
Bo will get off his Ass

I recently had the unorthodox pleasure of reading Bapa’s, Al’s, memoirs. He had suggested I edit it. This task was, and is for the time being, too daunting, but I had the privilege of reading it and marking points of interest, of which there were many. To loosely quote one relevant such passage, “I have a secret hope that after I die I will live on in the subconscious minds of my grandchildren, so I can help guide them in the right direction.” Horror movies have been made about such possibilities, but I feel that this hope of his is in many ways inevitable, and I know that, though in my personal case I don’t really want to expose him to such sordidness, he has found home in all of us.

From the few times that I saw him, it seems to me that Bapa lived the last few months of his life in a way that should make us all proud – straightforwardly and with a strange and, yes, in many way new positivism that in no way masked his concerns and reflection (there was one point that he greeted my mom, “PUMPKY!!”, with such a sincere, spontaneous, and booming energy, that it actually stunned me).

I love you Bapa, and I will do my best to get off my ass.

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