
Al and Life Lessons for Grandchildren

Love this shot of Al giving Matt one his patented little talks. We've all been there Matt! Al wonderfully beget 11 grandchildren--but he was much more than just a 'grandfather,' he was a life coach, offering you all his years of wisdom and learning, and bending you subtly on to a better path. Each grandkid, at one time or another, routinely went through one of these talks throughout their life. Depending on your stage in life, and how lost you were--they could be pretty rough! But they were always loving, and almost always, true and correct (even if painfully so) . . . for those of you that remember some of these wonderful chats, and want to share them outside of your own entry, I can append here if you email them to me, or use the comments box below. . . and see, so far, Ted A.'s wonderful post and remembrances of some of these guiding talks.
- Pete

La Allen adds that some of these talks may have been inspired by some brow beatings that Dad got from his Dad ("Pop").After he was thrown out from William & Mary ( or left, but I feel there was a little push ) Pop really lit into him saying he would never amount to anything. I think that talk really took hold and started his settling down process....LA

I agree with Larry here, I remember Al telling me repeatedly when he came home from William and Mary or some other such bad event, his father calling him a 'bum' who would 'never amount to anything.' Al used the story again and again to illustrate how he had to pick himself up from the mistakes he had made, and get his life on the right track. I could never get Al to tell me though, if his father ever admitted that he was wrong, because AL certainly did prove him so! - Pete

Marcie adds:
Pete, yes Father did get approval from his dad finally. It is sad tough that what Father really remembered was the disapproval rather than appreciation POp gave for his marriage, children and business success. I do know Father saidthat he did ask Pop once for money, and Pop declined, saying he'd have to do the same for Al's siblings.

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