
Ted: Letters from Al

Ted writes: Al wasn’t what I would call a great letter writer. I think of his letters as extremely functional and minimalist. He also had what I sometimes interpreted as an intentional disdain for orthography and syntax.
Letter to Ted in 2005 regarding :Grandfather Asks"

But whatever Al’s letters lacked in style was more than compensated for by his enthusiasm for sharing his thoughts and advice. Succinct and to the point, he often went straight to his opinion without pausing to detail why he had arrived at a certain opinion. And the letters were written in a style that was entirely consistent with his character. Instead of pretense and nuance, his letters were sincere and candid.
Throughout my travels during the 1990s Al was one of my most loyal and consistent correspondents. Even after I returned, we continued to write one another frequently. I have a box full of letters and cards from Al that I have been going through in the last week. I had a lot of fun reading them again and decided to use this space to share some of his sage advice and ideas from those letters. I’ll group them by the subject matter. I am also keeping the syntax as he wrote it; that’s part of the charm!
I’d also like others to share some of their favorite lines from letters they received from Al.

The Stock Market
“The large pice (sic) appreciation of many stocks probably will not happe (sic) again soon. So what do you do? You buy stocks that are undervalued – stocks that are showing growth in earnings, good balance sheet, and low P.E. – The stock market is often incorrect (sic) in showing the good or bad in a stock – there is a herd mentality in the market – avoid that.
I have always done well in the stock market. I think it is because I stick to certain principles. I avoid following stocks that Wall Street brokers and investors are promoting. I try to find stocks that seem undervalued and with growth possibilities. Low P.E.s – if one stock looks particularly good I might invest 1/3 of my funds in that one stock. “ (November 21, 2000)

“Looks like Bush is in – Dean or one of the others (Democrats) would have walked in. A danger comes to our country when one party is so weak. I believe this country will be in serious trouble within 10 yrs no matter what is done now – the reason for voting against Bush is he will take us into further wars and deeper religious problems.” (October 2004)

“Be in charge of your own ship. You will always make mistakes but each year try to improve your batting average.” (December 21, 1993)

“Well the baseball season has finely (sic) started. I am so mad at the players I gave Jeff all my Indian caps. Lenny Dykster (sic) was the only player who spoke up and said he was going to play no matter what. I have waited since 1954 – 41 years and they spoil it with strikes. The average pay in 1994 was 1.25 million to Major League players!” (May 30, 1995)

“I do not think of myself as an atheist but I am far from being impressed with the major religions of the world…
If you are born in Iran you are brought up a Muslim and after the first ten years of your life you are brain washed and will probably stay the same; in Catholic Ireland the same; in Hindu India the same; Southern Baptist the same. Each religion trying to say they are worshipping the only God – theirs.

Am I an atheist? No I am not. I believe this wonderful Universe was created. By whom or why I do not know. So I guess I am a Deist, one who believes in God. I believe in doing good for mankind…

Every good thing might teach others!
Do not be afraid to question or think!
Do not be afraid – God is good!
Religion is the acceptance of life.
Experience! And take care of yourself.”
(November 12, 1995)

“I can not (sic) believe the summer has almost gone. The older you get, the faster it goes and I find it harder to get anything done. I am seventy-nine today and hope to have a few good years to accomplish some goals I have in mind.” (August 29, 1995)


Elizabeth said...

Teddy, this is wonderful! Keep it up
Uncle La

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.