
Al as a Father

(By Richie!)

What a legacy!!! What a Dad!!!

Father of 5....

In Barrington: Jeff, Larry, Lisa,
Richie, Al, Marcie and Roie

Left to right: Marcie, Larry, ROIE, Rich and Jeff.

Pete adds: Poor Lisa is not around yet! Anyone know the year of this?

On this one, Al wrote "July 4, 1953, Rockport-My Family is Growing up."

Pop, Erma, Harry Wheeler, Roie, Al, Rich;
Marcie, Minnie, Miner, Jeff, Mother, Larry.

Elizabeth said: Note La La's expression vis a vis Dad's at about the same age!!!

With the Allen boys and Marcie, Brickyard pond, Rhode Island, 1954.

A great one of Al and Roie and Jeff at the house on Rumstick road!

Some thoughts from LaLa:

We all know that Jeff is the "workin'mon", but dad certainly put his time in. I remember while in Chicago (1949-54) his absence more than anything else, and looking forward to the weekend when he would return from his constant traveling.
Dad was a complex man who kept us all striving for his approval. This was sometimes difficult, often funny, but all the time his interest and caring ( if not approval) were self evident.

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